Giveaway Closes Soon...

Drawing Feb, 1 2022!

FREE $135 Premium Grass-fed Ground Beef Giveaway


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Pasture Raised!

28 Day Dry-Aged!

Grass Fed, Grain Finished!

Honestly man everything I've got from you is some of the best meat I've had even at a high end restaurant. Can't wait to try the stew meat when it comes out also.

Josh M.
Duke, OK

That ground beef was even on a different level. Kaele and I both said it was the best ground we have eaten so I'm excited for these steaks!

Jason M.
Choctaw, OK

Great for burgers, meatballs, tacos and the list goes on! Our family absolutely loves the Shortgrass ground beef for any occasion!

Shaun V.
Piedmont, OK